
Home / State / Oklahoma

Common Core State Standards Profile


Adoption Status

Adoption Status: Withdrawn
Adoption Date: 06/24/2010

Implementation Status

Implementation Type: N/A
Implementation Timeline: 2014-15


Assessment Consortia: State Issued

Oklahoma Details

Name of Standards: Oklahoma approved new standards; name pending
Standards Numbering Example: Oklahoma has state-specific numbering
Common Core Numbering Example: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.A.1
Oklahoma Numbering Example: Oklahoma approved new standards; numbering schema pending
State Documents: English/Language Arts
Last Reviewed: 10/14/2016

The state initially adopted Common Core standards in June 2010. In May 2014, Gov. Mary Fallin signed legislation withdrawing the state from using Common Core and promising the adoption of new standards by 2016. In July 2014, the State Board of Education delayed the adoption of state standards to replace Common Core standards citing the need to gather more information before they can approve the framework.

From AB’s Client Snapshot:

“In August, Oklahoma lost its NCLB waiver after the state formally withdrew from Common Core. The State has now adopted PASS (Priority Academic Student Skills), the local standards in place before the Common Core, and will be in a position to reapply for to the federal waiver program in 2015.”

ELA and Math standards approved March 23, 2016-to go into effect May 2016.


Oklahoma News

Oklahoma Common Core Replacement Set to Go into Effect Despite Major Criticisms (May 9, 2016)

State Legislature approves new academic standards (March 23, 2016)

Standards replacing Common Core draw lawmakers’ criticism (March 18, 2016)

Oklahoma education board approves new standards for students (January 29, 2016)

Oklahoma’s Common Core replacement standards up for consideration (January 22, 2016)

State Regents Approve New Education Standards (October 14, 2014)