
Home / State / Connecticut

Common Core State Standards Profile


Adoption Status

Adoption Status: Adopted Verbatim
Adoption Date: 07/07/2010

Implementation Status

Implementation Type: Incremental
Implementation Timeline: PHASE I (2010-11), Crosswalk with CCSS; PHASE II (2011-12) and PHASE III (2010-13), Implement CCSS curriculum for selected levels and courses; PHASE IV (2013-14); K-12 fully implemented


Assessment Consortia: SBAC

Connecticut Details

Name of Standards: Connecticut Core Standards
Standards Numbering Example: Connecticut follows Common Core numbering
Common Core Numbering Example: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.A.1
State Documents: English/Language Arts
Last Reviewed: 10/14/2016

Connecticut News

Smarter Balanced test results for southwestern Connecticut, 2015-16 (August 18, 2016)

New Haven Bombs On SATs (August 5, 2016)

Teachers want to dump tests (January 7, 2016)

Bristol educators readied for new science standards (December 15, 2015)

Connecticut lawmaker splits with teachers on NCLB rewrite (September 22, 2015)

Greenwich school board approves Common Core testing benchmarks (April 25, 2015)

New York, Connecticut Teachers to Devise Common Core Strategy (November 10, 2014)